Check out our High Performance Batch Processing API: Match and Enrich Data Using CSV/TSV Files as Input Data to our APIs Learn More

How Interzoid Billing Works

Interzoid uses a credits-based system for pricing and access to our products and APIs. A "credit" is deducted for an API call/request, so 500 API calls is the same as 500 credits. Credits are purchased on either a monthly or annual basis. Your account becomes replenished on either your monthly or annual renewal date. Annual pricing is calculated at twelve months worth of credits for the price of ten months. In addition, you get the entire year to make use of them rather than your credits balance resetting each month.

Credits can be used across ALL INTERZOID APIs and PRODUCTS for consistency, ease of use, and eliminating usage friction. All of our tools and integrated database products are free. You only pay for the API usage that occurs, including both standalone API calls and also when the APIs are built into our other products, such as our Cloud Data Connect product, where the API usage occurs behind-the-scenes.

To see our current pricing, click here.