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Using Interzoid with AWS Database Solutions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has several different Cloud database offerings for storing and analyzing data in the Cloud, including AWS RDS, AWS Aurora, AWS Redshift, and several others, each with various characteristics and applicable use cases. Several of these database offerings are derived from PostgreSQL and MySQL, in which case the respective database access is the same as for those respective platforms, such as PostgreSQL connectivity and MySQL connectivity.

Since Interzoid supports Azure SQL connectivity, that means that database tables in these platforms can be targets of Interzoid analysis and processing, simply by using the appropriate AWS database solution connection string.

AWS with PostgreSQL Connection string example:


A "connection string" provides the parameters necessary to initiate the connection to a specific data source on the Cloud for analysis, enrichment, matching, or whatever data function from Interzoid is selected for use.

A connection string enables connecting to a data source using the Interzoid Cloud Data Connect product.

Here is some additional information on setting up connection strings with AWS data sources.

For a step-by-step guide on setting up an AWS RDS PostgreSQL database, connecting to it, loaded it with data, and then using Interzoid's Cloud Data Connect product with it, visit here.

All content (c) 2019-2024 Interzoid Incorporated. Questions or assistance? Contact

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