Introducing our Snowflake Data Cloud Native Application: AI-Augmented Data Quality built into SQL statements! Learn More

Introduction to Interzoid

As we progress further into the age of easily accessible and valuable Cloud-based data, more and more data is being transferred to Cloud storage and database platforms. This includes customer information, marketing data, operational data, and other forms of strategic, important data assets. These data sets are being collected from various sources both internal and external and then moved to the Cloud, where they are used for strategic planning, business analysis, marketing initiatives, customer engagement, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decentralized operations. This trend is evident in nearly all industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, real estate, manufacturing, education, and retail.

But is the data usable? Can it be trusted? How can we even know?

Data exists in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and formats – making it difficult to organize, verify, and manage. Little control is often available over the data’s source(s).

To effectively manage their data, organizations are increasingly required to consolidate, prepare, and access it through emerging technologies, such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, data platforms, analytics engines, and Cloud-based data warehouses and data lakes. Unfortunately, these platforms often don't prioritize key success factors like data accuracy, consistency, comprehensiveness, and usability at the granular level of the actual data content..

The surge in data volume and the proliferation of analysis platforms that depend on Cloud infrastructure and data have led to an escalating market gap in effectively managing the usability of this data.

For an example of how Interzoid tackles these data challenges, including the use of our AI-powered APIs, see Understanding Data Matching.

If an organization's data can be managed, harnessed, and otherwise “engineered” for consistency and usability, there is tremendous upside and value downstream within a broad-range of data-driven applications. Having a high-quality, comprehensive, and complete foundation of data that can be trusted across an organization is very important to the success of data-driven initiatives. The potential return on investment in this area can be exceptionally high.

Interzoid is stepping up to meet the demand with our Cloud-based, AI-enhanced data matching solutions. Our offerings include a comprehensive API-first data platform, interactive Web-based applications for data analysis and matching, as well as seamless integration with Cloud data sources. Our aim is to make it simple for users to connect to Cloud data platforms and elevate the quality, consistency, accuracy, and usability of their data. Although our solutions are designed to be completely interactive for those who prefer ease of use, we also offer a full suite of AI-driven APIs for those seeking maximum flexibility.

With Interzoid's Cloud Data Connect, you are able at the click of a button to connect to any Cloud data platform and run “data quality” and “data usability” reports using always-improving (through Machine Learning and Generative AI) data analysis processes and functions.

You can obtain a broad range of data quality analysis and potential problem diagnosis reports, including the ability to use generated similarity keys to normalize inconsistent data on a scheduled daily, weekly, or monthly basis through our full dataset APIs that can provide immediate value.

These same capabilities can be used across multiple applications, data stores, and other data repositories, wherever the data may happen to be – all through our built-in Cloud database platform (including text files of multiple types).

Imagine achieving all this easily in minutes, without having to write any code or poring over application and data source-specific technical documentation.

There are three primary ways to utilize Interzoid to enhance the consistency, quality, usability, and value of your organization's data assets, so everything you do with that data is more effective, useful and successful:

1) Single-record, AI-powered APIs. Send one record at a time to an API for complete flexibility over how the result is used, either as part of data processing, within a Website form, as part of an application, or wherever else it makes sense to incorporate. Our APIs can be integrated via JSON/REST and in most cases with a single line of code. We have SDKs and code samples available to make things even easier. You can find our single-record APIs along with documentation and examples here:

2) Interactive Cloud Data Connect Application. Within the browser, you can connect to, analyze, match, and enrich entire datasets at the click of a button (our APIs do the work behind the scenes). This not only includes SQL-based Cloud data platforms, but also text files. This Web application is interactive, working with one data source at a time. Try it here:

There is also a quick and easy tutorial to show how to use the Cloud Data Connect product so you can get get up & running quickly. The tutorial shows a data matching example with sample data files. You can see it here: Data Matching Tutorial

3) Full Dataset APIs. Use a single API call to generate a data analysis report or enrich data for an entire dataset, whether it is a text file or SQL-based data table in the Cloud. With this approach, these single commands can be scheduled, invoked programmatically, used in a batch script, be part of data pipelines and ELT/ETL processes, accessed as part of a business process, or added anywhere else it makes sense to plug the command into to add more data value. You can learn more here:

Here is a full dataset API example of a match report analyzing a sample text file showing match clusters and their algorithmically generated similarity keys used for matching purposes. To try it now, you can paste the link in the address bar of your browser, or simply just click on it. It could also be run from the command-line using cURL or equivalent with the output redirected for use in additional processing:


All three of the above approaches operate 100% in the Cloud with nothing to install. You can begin now with your own data and see value immediately.

Once you have registered with Interzoid, you can log in to the Interzoid Website and visit the page to obtain your API License Key. You will need this to access any of our data products, run data workloads, or call any of our APIs.

We have test data available both as SQL scripts and CSV files for you to make use of if you would like to try these to get the hang of things before you start working with your own data tables and files using the Cloud Data Connect product.